Unto Us a Child Is Born
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The Birth of the Lord Jesus
A lonely man walks along the road through the mountains of Judaea. He is a priest who is on his way to the temple in Jerusalem. He has left his home early in the morning because the road he must travel is long and difficult. Sometimes he has to climb hills, which makes him tired, because he is not a young man anymore. He is getting closer. Soon he will be able to see the city and the temple.
This priest is Zacharias. Together with his wife Elizabeth, he lives in the mountains of Judaea. He had to leave early in the morning in order to work in the temple and help the people who brought their offerings. It was the priest’s job to sacrifice animals on the altar of burnt offering. Naturally not all priests could help with this at the same time…
[Engelse uitgave van ‘Een Kind is ons geboren’]
Product specificaties
New Testament – Volume 1
Auteur: ds. C.J. Meeuse
Illustrator: Arie van der Spek
Uitgever: Ripe Publishing
ISBN: 978-94-91000-04-1
Druk: eerste
Aantal pagina’s: 46
Eigenschappen: geïllustreerd, omslag en binnenwerk full-colour, gebonden
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